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三月 5th, 2009 Posted in 憂鬱症 Tags: ,




1. 每天定時做30分鐘運動

2. 早餐進食適量的蛋白質:


3. 如果你自覺是個較敏感的人,戒咖啡因(濃茶/咖啡)

4. 每天食3種不同的水果及至少2種蔬菜

5. 壓力大時每天更要多飲白開水

6. 晚餐進食適量的碳水化合物 (飯、麵、粥、粉等)

7. 每天定時做30分鐘進行自我放鬆與覺察的練習

8. 凡事盡力而為,量力而為

9. 與別人分享自己的感受

10. 每週抽空3小時做一樣滿足自己興趣的活動

11. 盡量保持正常的作息

12. 必要時尋求醫療的協助:心理諮商治療或藥物處方協助



基因型為SS型比起LL或是SL型基因更常見於憂鬱症的病人身上,但是不代表基因型一定會產生憂鬱症,臨床上還是以美國精神醫學會診斷標準DSM IV和精神科醫師門診診斷為主。基因型可以讓醫師去預測未來跟病患的治療與預後當個參考。

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No Responses to “憂鬱症與基因”

  1. 1
    Roni Says:

    Dear Dr. Lin,
    It’s my first time to visit this website. I’m glad to know you. I had taken medicine for 9 years more. I’ve a quetion. Shouldn’t a major depression take medicine for so long time? While the situation becomes stable, shouldn’t have a chance not to take it? unwanna take so long time and even for "eternal" life. My doctor said that I’m the "model patient, " but that’s not my want. Can’t be controlled by medicine but me or other ways? Thx a lot.

    ps. it’s ok reply in Chinese, coz i just want to keep my privacy on the public website. thx a lot.

  2. 2
    Dr. Eric Lin Says:

    Hi Roni,

    it is clear that nobody would be delighted to take the medicine even needed. Taking drugs more than 9 years is actually beyond my imagination. Diseaes like schizophrenia and biploar disoder do need life long medication. Major depression however took a "flunctuation" course in some patients , someone like you. U can took prophylaxis dosage or "wait" to see . There is NO evidence revealing that patient with major depression should be taking the drugs that long. Try to discuss with ur doc. Summer is a good chance to be "off" the drug under ur doc’s instruction. taking exercise and more fish might help.
    Good Luck

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